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James S. Valliant will discuss CREATING CHRIST at OCON, March 24, 2019


On Monday, 24 June, 2019, James S. Valliant will be discussing his new book, CREATING CHRIST, at the annual Objectivist Summer Conference in Cleveland, Ohio, with a talk titled, "Altruism, Power and the Origins of Christianity." Last year, Jordan Peterson spoke at this conference, and this year is proving to have quite a dynamic line-up, as well. Mr. Valliant is a former prosecutor of more than seventeen years, co-creator of the interview program Ideas in Action, and the author of The Passion of Ayn Rand’s Critics. His most recent book, Creating Christ, has received praise from such diverse and distinguished scholars as Robert Price and Robert Eisenman. He will be presenting the following talk:

Altruism, Power and the Origins of Christianity

As early as The Fountainhead, philosopher Ayn Rand argued that the ethics of altruism, although inevitably sold as other-worldly benevolence, is actually motivated by a quest for power here on earth. In this explosive talk, Valliant demonstrates that Christian altruism itself—at its inception—was part of a campaign of political propaganda by the Roman Empire, aimed at militant, Jewish religious nationalists of the first two centuries.


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